Hi! I'm Woot Talley and I am a singer/songwriter from Austin, TX. I've played in a lot bands over the years (many you've never heard of) in a lot bars/venues (many have closed down, burned or flattened) and learned, sang and played many songs as well. I started writing and performing my own songs in the early 2010s at coffee houses in Austin, building my song list and acquiring friends and players along the way. By 2012 we had a band and we just called it the Box. It was named after a stompbox I play with when I do solo shows that has a State of Maryland license plate on top, which I affectionately call Marilyn. We started doing the deal and played in as many places in Austin as we could get gigs... We played the Saxon Pub, One2One, Poodies, Angel's Icehouse, Junior's/Alcove, Hanovers, The Roost, Threadgills, Antones, Freddies and NXNW, just to name a few.... I put out a cd in 2015 of 11 songs called "Right Where I Want to Be." I recorded it with the Box at the Sound...
Hi! I'm Woot Talley and I am a singer/songwriter from Austin, TX. I've played in a lot bands over the years (many you've never heard of) in a lot bars/venues (many have closed down, burned or flattened) and learned, sang and played many songs as well. I started writing and performing my own songs in the early 2010s at coffee houses in Austin, building my song list and acquiring friends and players along the way. By 2012 we had a band and we just called it the Box. It...