The Morning Yells is a Los Angeles-based band that evolved from the brother-sister duo Phil and Lu (Phil and Laura Stancil). The siblings, who have been playing music together their entire lives, are now joined by fellow multi-instrumentalists Trevor Smith and Curran McDowell to form The Morning Yells. The foursome will release their debut LP this Summer. They released an EP "Proper Wilted" in October 2017, which received high praise from press reviews.
The band has an entertaining live set, with a focus on blood harmonies - think Fleetwood Mac meets Tom Petty. “If there’s a point where Laurel Canyon country meets Bruce Springsteen-esque road-rockers, The Morning Yells were born on that spot. ”
— Independent Clauses
The Morning Yells is a Los Angeles-based band that evolved from the brother-sister duo Phil and Lu (Phil and Laura Stancil). The siblings, who have been playing music together their entire lives, are now joined by fellow multi-instrumentalists Trevor Smith and Curran McDowell to form The Morning Yells. The foursome will release their debut LP this Summer. They released an EP "Proper Wilted" in October 2017, which received high praise from press reviews.
The band has an...