The Macks
Portland, OR
Rock Blues Punk/Ska
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About The Macks

Anyone who has seen The Macks know that no matter the gig, they bring the maximum amount of energy possible. From house shows to charity events to the Hawthorne Theatre and Oregon State's Battle of the Bands, The Macks will put everything they have into every show (Sam even passed out at the end of one of his shows when he performed with mono). With that energy, however, is a lot of skill as musicians, with instrumentals heavily rooted in blues music and precise yet warming harmonies and melodies that leave a listener whistling the tunes days after the show.
While most of the band's recordings have been done DIY-style on Ben's laptop in his bonus room, the band just got out of a professional recording session and the to-be-named demo will be out in June with high anticipation from the group's tight and loyal group of followers. The band is still young, but the aspirations for the group are huge and the band does not waste an opportunity.
All other information can be found on the...

Anyone who has seen The Macks know that no matter the gig, they bring the maximum amount of energy possible. From house shows to charity events to the Hawthorne Theatre and Oregon State's Battle of the Bands, The Macks will put everything they have into every show (Sam even passed out at the end of one of his shows when he performed with mono). With that energy, however, is a lot of skill as musicians, with instrumentals heavily rooted in blues music and precise yet...

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