Slaven Ljujic Drummer and Instructor
Nashville, TN
Blues Rock Funk
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About Slaven Ljujic Drummer and Instructor

Slaven Ljujic is a versatile drummer, dedicated to groove, but also a passionate artist who insists on capturing the right atmosphere of any piece of music.
Over the years of his growth, he had been exposed to many different influences that include types of music from jazz, blues, fusion, funk to Balkan and Gypsy music.
He has been characterized by artists he collaborates with as a "spiritus movens" of every project he participates in.

As a Berklee College of Music graduate, he had a chance to meet and work with some of the most recognized artists of today such as Vinx, Dave DiCenso, Marko Djordjevic, Neal Smith, Ralph Peterson, Mark Walker and many others. He was probably most influenced by Vinx De` Jon Parrette (acclaimed singer, percussionist and songwriter) with whom he had worked a number of times (New York City Summer Concert Series at Riverside Park, Soul Kitchen sessions, Vocal Summit Sessions, guest on the upcoming CD).
Among other artists Slaven had played with are:...

Slaven Ljujic is a versatile drummer, dedicated to groove, but also a passionate artist who insists on capturing the right atmosphere of any piece of music.
Over the years of his growth, he had been exposed to many different influences that include types of music from jazz, blues, fusion, funk to Balkan and Gypsy music.
He has been characterized by artists he collaborates with as a "spiritus movens" of every project he participates in.

As a Berklee College of Music...

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