Reuben grew up in a musical family, during the 70s and 80s, his dad played Spanish guitar while his older brothers band played classic rock in his living room as child. He started playing and studying music in a serious manner in 1997, and his love and interest for music grew. In 2005 he realized that he had the ability to perform and entertain for friends and family, which blossomed in to him playing several times a week, along with teaching at different music stores and schools in Scottsdale and Chandler, eventually doing the same in Denver and Oregon. He’s made a living as a musician for the past 17 years. Through that time he’s accumulated a wealth of music of all genres. You can find him playing often in local venues every weekend
Reuben grew up in a musical family, during the 70s and 80s, his dad played Spanish guitar while his older brothers band played classic rock in his living room as child. He started playing and studying music in a serious manner in 1997, and his love and interest for music grew. In 2005 he realized that he had the ability to perform and entertain for friends and family, which blossomed in to him playing several times a week, along with teaching at different music stores and...