Camden, NJ
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About Ragin

January 8, 1996 a young man by name the name J-Quan Jerron Ragin was born in the city of Camden, New Jersey.

Ragin’s entire life he had an interest in poetry and music. Often beating on lunch room tables in the cafeteria. Verbally spilling out whatever his creative mind could conjure. Ragin's first rap was on a friend's song that needed a feature. That chance gave Ragin a glimpse into being a rapper and fueled his creative spirit.

January 8, 1996 a young man by name the name J-Quan Jerron Ragin was born in the city of Camden, New Jersey.

Ragin’s entire life he had an interest in poetry and music. Often beating on lunch room tables in the cafeteria. Verbally spilling out whatever his creative mind could conjure. Ragin's first rap was on a friend's song that needed a feature. That chance gave Ragin a glimpse into being a rapper and fueled his creative spirit.
