Matthew Logan Vasquez
Austin, TX
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About Matthew Logan Vasquez

Some people want to make art which most of the time comes across like masturbating in front of a sign that says "Fuck You" at the corner of Terrible Street and Lost Cause Way. Some people want to do lots of things. Run around in their underwear. Make babies but not have them. Take acid. Some people just wake up, work, rinse, and repeat. It is what it is. I'm not sure where Matthew Logan Vasquez fits in with all of the other people out there, but man does he make some great fucking music. It isn't even masturbatory. It is as much about freedom of self as it is about simply stepping deep into the jam and letting it all happen naturally like perfect bouncing breasts. I'd have said dicks instead of breasts but a bouncing dick is about as awesome as fucking a post apocalyptic Twinkie. Man I love Twinkies, but to eat when there is nothing else around, not to fuck when there is nothing else around.
From Delta Spirit to Middle Brother to his new project that is just his...

Some people want to make art which most of the time comes across like masturbating in front of a sign that says "Fuck You" at the corner of Terrible Street and Lost Cause Way. Some people want to do lots of things. Run around in their underwear. Make babies but not have them. Take acid. Some people just wake up, work, rinse, and repeat. It is what it is. I'm not sure where Matthew Logan Vasquez fits in with all of the other people out there, but man does he make...

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