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"Imaginative and whimsical, New Jersey's Julian Fulton plays a brand of DIY pop that flirts with the classics of psychedelia, while bringing his own voice, stories and production to the picture. A picture that's as multifaceted as it's enjoyable... What you want to hear out of a rock ‘n’ roll band nowadays. There’s enough vintage energy in their music to make it classifiable as rock n’ roll, but not enough for it to sound derivative and boring. There’s an eery optimism lurking within the melodic, psyched out jams, a tension I find in a lot of my favorite music." - The Deli Magazine
"Imaginative and whimsical, New Jersey's Julian Fulton plays a brand of DIY pop that flirts with the classics of psychedelia, while bringing his own voice, stories and production to the picture. A picture that's as multifaceted as it's enjoyable... What you want to hear out of a rock ‘n’ roll band nowadays. There’s enough vintage energy in their music to make it classifiable as rock n’ roll, but not enough for it to sound derivative and boring. There’s an eery optimism...