Jeb Rault Band
New Orleans, LA
Funk Rock Blues
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About Jeb Rault Band

Blending a love of New Orleans style Rhythm and Blues with the classic guitar sound of bands that came out of the 60s and 70's, The Jeb Rault Band's goal is to bring their music to as many different fans as possible the world over. Playing throughout the American Southeast and also in Europe, the band is well on its way.

The musical melting pot of New Orleans Louisiana has always been a prime breeding ground for new styles and flavors of music, and today's JRB is one of the newest examples of what can happen when many different related styles of music are put together. You get something new, yet recognizable, familiar and satisfying at the same time. The experience of seeing the Jeb Rault Band live will leave any fan of Blues Rock based music with the feeling that current music is not all corporate pop, and that there is something to be hopeful about in todays musical climate.

Blending a love of New Orleans style Rhythm and Blues with the classic guitar sound of bands that came out of the 60s and 70's, The Jeb Rault Band's goal is to bring their music to as many different fans as possible the world over. Playing throughout the American Southeast and also in Europe, the band is well on its way.

The musical melting pot of New Orleans Louisiana has always been a prime breeding ground for new styles and flavors of music, and today's JRB is one...

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