Thomas Corsaut
La Habra, CA
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About Thomas Corsaut

Thomas Corsaut delivers a songs that dance around the fire of a single genre. In fact, within each song itself, sound, style and ingenuity are sewn together with poetically diverse lyrics that should not be initially taken at face value. The music is uniquely dense and mysterious providing the listener with a menagerie thoughts if they are willing to open themselves for the experience. It is possible to be drawn in closer as if towards a compelling painting in order to see the brush strokes.for, and inspired by roads less traveled

Thomas Corsaut delivers a songs that dance around the fire of a single genre. In fact, within each song itself, sound, style and ingenuity are sewn together with poetically diverse lyrics that should not be initially taken at face value. The music is uniquely dense and mysterious providing the listener with a menagerie thoughts if they are willing to open themselves for the experience. It is possible to be drawn in closer as if towards a compelling painting in order to see...

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