Raised in San Jose, CA - now based in the PNW, Bri is a vibrant young singer/performer/producer living out her greatest dreams of being a full time musician. Over the last 4 years of performing live, Bri has built a strong following & successful business from the ground up. That platform allows her to perform all across the west coast, stretching from Seattle to San Diego & everywhere in between. Her bright personality on stage is contagious and ability to connect with her audiences is something you have to experience for yourself. She is on a mission to bring people hope, joy, and faith through her music and considers it, "the biggest privilege getting to share my passions with so many different people. Connecting to people's hearts is the vision, music is my medium."
Raised in San Jose, CA - now based in the PNW, Bri is a vibrant young singer/performer/producer living out her greatest dreams of being a full time musician. Over the last 4 years of performing live, Bri has built a strong following & successful business from the ground up. That platform allows her to perform all across the west coast, stretching from Seattle to San Diego & everywhere in between. Her bright personality on stage is contagious and ability to connect with...